Sunday, January 26, 2014

How to root your ANDROID device using FRAMAROOT/without PC??(EASIEST METHOD)

Hi Android Users,

Here is one-click application to install Superuser and su binary on phone. Look at the compatibility lists below to see if your device can be rooted using this method do comment below to tell us.
Feedbacks on compatibility of devices will be greatly appreciated.
Check this list
Download the app HERE:---  

How to root android device using frame root?
1.Download FRAMEROOT app from here.
NOTE:-In case you download it on PC it might say that it is a harmful file disable your antivirus beforehand as it is a exploit script the popup might come that way.Then transfer it to your device.
2.Open FRAMEROOT from the respective folder where you have kept the app.
3. Select the FRAMEROOT-1.8.1.apk a pop-up might come saying INSTALLATION BLOCKED!! Go to security tab in settings and and tick the unknown sources to install apps from unknown sources.
4.Reopen the app"s apk and press on INSTALL once the app is installed.
5. Go to app drawer and open FRAMEROOT app openit and select one of the exploits BOROMIR or FARAMIR.
A pop-up saying Exploit successful will open follow the instructions and reboot your device.Reboot your device.
6. VOILA !! Your device is rooted.

Check the step wise Images and/or the video below:-



Is framaroot work on my device ?
If your device is listed above, then yes but it depends of your firmware version, latest firmware have less chance to be rooted.

Will I lose warranty if I root my android device?
Yes you will root the warranty of your device if you root the device but you can unroot your device anytime.


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