Everyday we use Google for getting information on absolutely anything.
In this blog i am going to tell you those things or you can say the tips or tricks that will make your search on Google more accurate, specific and more productive.
Yes, there are many secrets that Google have and you will be finding some of those as you go through the article. Excited ?? so lets start.
1. Using Operators Be specific and Google will provide you the best results. Use operators to search anything, like for example enclose a phrase in quotation marks, like this, "Google tips and tricks". This searches for that specific phrase only. Adding a minus sign will exclude that word, for example xyz recipe - tomatoes.
2. Searching A Particular Site Restrict your search to a single site by using site: operator. For example, you want to search about Windows on Techzoot then you might type Windows site:techzoot.com.
3. Define It Using the define operator gives the dictionary definition of search and synonyms. For example define:entrepreneur will give you the definition of entrepreneur.
4. What's Going On Want to know what is going on in a particular city or like fancying a movie? Then type movie times Delhi, this will show what's particular with that city. Find more specific results by typing movie times PVR rohini will show what's on in that particular cinema.
5. Translate Languages Need to translate something and you are really in a hurry?? Stop worrying Google is there. Just type translate language A language B and there you are with a translator positioned right on top of the page.
This is all for now, will be updating soon with more tricks and tips to make your Google..ing more fun and more accurate.
Till then happy Google Searching :)
Source: TOI
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